I . Từ Đại Phật Sử

6.  UGGA The Householder

  • His Past Aspiration

The future Ugga was reborn into a worthy family in the city of HaÑsǎvatī, during the time of Buddha Padumutara. On one occasion, while he was listening to a sermon by the Buddha, he saw a disciple being named as the foremost among those who made gifts that delighted the donees. He aspired to that distinction, and after making extraordinary offerings, he expressed his wish before the Buddha. The Buddha prophesied that his aspiration would be fulfilled.

(b)   His Last Existence as Ugga The Householder

After being reborn in the deva-world or the human world for a hundred thousand world- cycles, the future Ugga was reborn into a rich man’s family in this city of Vesǎlī, during Buddha Gotama’s time.

How The Rich Man’s Son got The Name ‘Ugga’

The future Ugga was not given any name during his childhood. When he came of age, he possessed a majestic physique like an ornamental door-post, or a golden apparel hung for display. His exquisite masculine body and personal attributes became the talk of the town, as such people came to refer to him as ‘Ugga the householder’.

It is noteworthy that Ugga gained Stream Entry Knowledge on his very first meeting with


the Buddha. Later, he came to be established in the three lower maggas and three lower

phalas (i.e. he became an anǎgǎmin).

When Ugga grew old, he resorted to seclusion and this thought occurred to him: ‚I shall offer to the Bhagavǎ only those things that I cherish. I have learnt directly from the Bhagavǎ: ‘That he, who makes gift of what he cherishes, reaps the benefit that he cherishes.’ ‛ Then his thought extended to the wish: ‚O that the Bhagavǎ knew my thought and appeared at my door!‛

The Buddha knew the thought of Ugga and at that very moment appeared miraculously at his door, in the company of many bhikkhus. Ugga, on learning the Buddha’s arrival, went to welcome Him, paid obeisance to Him with five-fold contact, took the alms-bowl from His hands and invited Him to the prepared seat in his house, at the same time, he offered seats to the accompanying bhikkhus. He served the Buddha and the Sangha with various kinds of delicious food, and after the meal was finished, he sat in a suitable place and addressed the Buddha thus:

  • ‚Venerable Sir, I have learnt directly from the Bhagavǎ that ‘he who makes a gift of what he cherishes, reaps the benefit that he cherishes.’ Venerable Sir, my cake made to resemble the sal flower is delightful. (p:) May the Bhagavǎ, out of compassion, accept this food.‛ And the Buddha, out of compassion for the donor, accepted it.

further Ugga said:

‚Venerable Sir, I have learnt directly from the Bhagavǎ that ‘he who makes a gift of what he cherishes reaps the benefit that he cherishes.’ Venerable Sir:-

  • my specially prepared dish of pork with jujube is delightful … (repeat p:)
  • my vegetable dish of water convolvulus cooked in oil and water and done in oil gravy is delightful … (repeat p:)
  • my special rice, carefully discarded of black grains, … (repeat p:)
  • my fine cloth made in Kǎsi Province is delightful … (repeat p:)
  • Venerable Sir, my dais, big carpet of long-fleece, woollen coverlets with quaint designs, rugs made of black panther’s hide, couches with red canopies and with red bolsters at either end are delightful. Venerable Sir, I understand that these luxurious things are not proper for use by the Bhagavǎ. Venerable Sir, this seat made of the core of sand wood is worth over a lakh of money. May the Bhagavǎ, out of compassion, accept these pieces of furniture.‛ The Buddha out of compassion for the donor, accepted them.

(Note here that Ugga the householder is offering the items of furniture after serving the gruel but before serving the square meal. His offerings are made not only to the Buddha but also to the Sangha. Under item (6) above, Ugga said: ‚I understand that these luxurious things are not proper for use by the Bhagavǎ.‛ There are also things that are proper for use by the Buddha. He has caused them to be heaped together and assigned items, which are improper for use by the Buddha, to his store room, and donates only items which are proper. The sandalwood, being very dear and rare, is valued so highly. After the Buddha had accepted it, he had it cut up into small bits and distributed to the bhikkhus for use as a powder in preparing eye-lotion.)

Then the Buddha spoke the following verses in appreciation of the donations.

‚(Ugga,) one who gives in charity with a delightful heart reaps the benefit of that deed in various delightful ways. One gives away clothing, dwelling place, food and various other things, strongly desirous of merit, to those Noble Ones who are straight in thought, word, and deed (i.e. arahat).

‚That virtuous one who distinctly knows the arahats as the fertile field for sowing seeds of merit and gives up delightful things that are hard to be given, sacrifices them, releases them liberally in a delightful heart, reaps the benefit of that deed in various delightful ways.‛

After uttering these stanzas in appreciation of the householder’s memorable offerings, the Buddha departed (These statements are based on the Manǎpadǎyī Sutta, A~guttara Nikǎya, Book Two.)

On that occasion, Ugga the householder said to the Buddha: ‚Venerable Sir, I have heard from the Bhagavǎ’s Teaching that ‘he, who makes a gift of what he cherishes, reaps the benefit that he cherishes.’ Venerable Sir, whatever suitable articles in my possession may be assumed by the Bhagavǎ as already donated to the Bhagavǎ and His Sangha.‛ Thenceforth, he always donated various suitable things to the Buddha and His Sangha.

(c)   Ugga The Householder was named as The foremost Lay Disciple

On account of this, when the Buddha, during His residence at the Jetavana monastery, designating outstanding lay disciples according to their merit, declared:

Bhikkhus, among My lay disciples who are in the habit of giving delightful things in charity, Ugga the Householder of Vesǎlī, is the foremost.‛

The Destination of Ugga The Householder

Thereafter, on a certain day, Ugga the householder of Vesǎlī died and was reborn in one of the (five) Pure Abodes of Brahmǎs. The Buddha was then residing at the Jetavana monastery. At that time, about the middle of the night, Brahmǎ Ugga, with his resplendent body that flooded the whole of the Jetavana monastic complex, approached the Buddha, made his obeisance to Him, and stood at a suitable place. To that Brahmǎ Ugga, the Buddha said: ‚How is it? Is your desire fulfilled?‛ And Brahmǎ Ugga replied: ‚Venerable Sir, my desire is indeed fulfilled.‛

Herein, it might be asked: ‚What did the Buddha mean by the ‘desire’? And what does the Brahmǎ’s reply mean?‛ The answer is: The Buddha means arahatta-phala and the Brahmǎ’s answer is also arahatta-phala. for the main desire of Ugga was attainment of arahatta-phala.)

Then the Buddha addressed Brahmǎ Ugga in these two stanzas:

‚He who gives away a delightful thing begets a delightful thing. He who gives away the best begets the best. He who gives away what is desirable begets what is desirable. He who gives away what is praise-worthy begets what is praise-worthy.

‚He who is in the habit of giving away the best things, things that are desirable, things that are praiseworthy, is reborn as one who lives long and who has a big following.‛

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