The story of Nakulamǎtu is already been told, when dealing with the story of Nakulapitu. (Refer to Chapter 54: Nakulapitu the Householder.) Here we need only pay our attention mainly on Nakulamǎtu.
Nakulapitu and Nakulamǎtu were of the same aspiration in the time of Buddha Padumuttara. When the future Nakulapitu was a lay disciple, he witnessed a lay disciple being designated as the foremost among lay disciples who were close to the Buddha. He made great offering and aspired to that designation. Likewise, when the future Nakulamǎtu witnessed a female lay disciple being designated as the foremost among female lay-disciple who were close to the Buddha, she made great offerings and aspired to that title. (Since both stories are identical, the Commentary does not give a separate account of Nakulamǎtu.)
Nakulamǎtu, like Nakulapitu, was declared by the Buddha:
‚Bhikkhus, among the female lay disciples who are close
to Me, Nakulamǎtu is the foremost.‛
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