Kinh Trung Bộ ENG 120 Kinh Hành Sanh (Sankhārupapatti sutta)

Kinh Trung Bộ ENG 120 Kinh Hành Sanh (Sankhārupapatti sutta)

Phần I  –  Phần II  –  Phần III

Majjhima Nikāya
III. Upari Paṇṇāsa
2. Anupada Vagga

The Middle Length Sayings
III. The Final Fifty Discourses
2. The Division of the Uninterrupted

Sutta 120

Sankhār’Uppatti Suttaɱ

Translated from the Pali by I.B. Horner, O.B.E., M.A.
Associate of Newham College, Cambridge
First Published in 1954

Copyright The Pali Text Society
Commercial Rights Reserved
Creative Commons Licence
For details see Terms of Use.

Scanned, digitized and proofread by Waiyin Chow.



[1][chlm][upal] THUS HAVEEARD:

At one time the Lord was staying near Sāvatthī
in the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

While he was there
the Lord addressed the monks,


“Revered One,”
these monks answered the Lord in assent.

The Lord spoke thus:

“I will teach you, monks,
uprising through aspiration.

Listen to it,
pay careful attention
and I will speak.”

“Yes, revered sir,”
these monks answered the Lord in assent.

The Lord spoke thus:

“Herein, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship
with rich nobles.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.[2]

These aspirations and abidings[3] of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course
that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with rich brahmans.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with rich householders.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Four Great Regent Devas
are long-lived,
[140] abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Four Great Regent Devas.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of the Thirty-Three
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of the Thirty-Three.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Yama Devas
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Yama Devas.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of Delight
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of Delight.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas Who Delight in Creating
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas Who Delight in Creating.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas Who Have Power Over The Creations Of Others
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas Who Have Power Over The Creations Of Others.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Brahmā of a thousand-world-system
is long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

Monks the Brahmā of a thousand-world-system
dwells suffusing and pervading (in meditation)[4]
the system of the thousand worlds;[5]
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It is as though, monks
a man with vision
had taken some emblic myrobalan[6] in his hand
and were to gaze at it;
even so, monks,
does the Brahmā of a thousand-world-system
dwell suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It occurs to him:[7]

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Brahmā of a thousand-world-system.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Brahmā of a two thousand-world-system
is long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

Monks the Brahmā of a two thousand-world-system
dwells suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the two thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It is as though, monks
a man with vision
had taken two emblic myrobalans in his hand
and were to gaze at them;
even so, monks,
does the Brahmā of a two thousand-world-system
dwell suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the two thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Brahmā of a two thousand-world-system.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Brahmā of a three thousand-world-system
is long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

Monks the Brahmā of a three thousand-world-system
dwells suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the three thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It is as though, monks
a man with vision
had taken three emblic myrobalans in his hand
and were to gaze at them;
even so, monks,
does the Brahmā of a three thousand-world-system
dwell suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the three thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Brahmā of a three thousand-world-system.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Brahmā of a four thousand-world-system
is long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

Monks the Brahmā of a four thousand-world-system
dwells suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the four thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It is as though, monks
a man with vision
had taken four emblic myrobalans in his hand
and were to gaze at them;
even so, monks,
does the Brahmā of a four thousand-world-system
dwell suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the four thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Brahmā of a four thousand-world-system.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Brahmā of a five thousand-world-system
is long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

Monks the Brahmā of a five thousand-world-system
dwells suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
[141] the system of the five thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It is as though, monks
a man with vision
had taken five emblic myrobalans in his hand
and were to gaze at them;
even so, monks,
does the Brahmā of a five thousand-world-system
dwell suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the five thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Brahmā of a five thousand-world-system.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Brahmā of a ten-thousand-world-system
is long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

Monks the Brahmā of a ten-thousand-world-system
dwells suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the ten-thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

Monks, it is like a lovely beryl gem[8]
of the finest water,
superbly cut with eight facets,
which shines and gleams
when laid on a pale cloth;
even so, monks,
does the Brahmā of a ten-thousand-world-system
dwell suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the ten-thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Brahmā of a ten-thousand-world-system.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Brahmā of a hundred-thousand-world-system
is long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

Monks the Brahmā of a hundred-thousand-world-system
dwells suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the hundred-thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
those beings that have uprisen there.

Monks, as an ornament[9] of river-gold,[10]
most [142] skilfully wrought
in the crucible of a clever goldsmith,
shines and glows and gleams
when laid on a pale cloth;
even so, monks,
does the Brahmā of a hundred-thousand-world-system
dwell suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the system of the hundred-thousand worlds;
and he dwells too
suffusing and pervading (in meditation)
the beings that have uprisen there.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Brahmā of a hundred-thousand-world-system.’

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of Splendour
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of Splendour.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of limited Splendour
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of limited Splendour.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of boundless Splendour
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of boundless Splendour.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of Light
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of Light.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of limited Light
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of limited Light.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of boundless Light
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of boundless Light.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Radiant Devas
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Radiant Devas.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of Lustre
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of Lustre.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of limited Lustre
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of limited Lustre.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas of boundless Lustre
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas of boundless Lustre.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Vehapphala Devas
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Vehapphala Devas.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Aviha Devas
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Aviha Devas.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Atappa Devas
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Atappa Devas Lustre.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Sudassi Devas
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Sudassi Devas.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Akaniṭṭha Devas
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Akaniṭṭha Devas.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas that have reached the plane of infinite Ākasa
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship
with the Devas that have reached the plane of infinite Ākasa.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas that have reached the plane of infinite consciousness
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship
with the Devas that have reached the plane of infinite consciousness.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas that have reached the plane of no-thing
are long-lived,
abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship with the Devas that have reached the plane of no-thing.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

He hears that the Devas that have reached the plane of neither-perception-nor-non-perception
are long-lived, beautiful, abounding in happiness.

It occurs to him:

‘0 that at the breaking up of the body after dying
I might arise in companionship
with the Devas that have reached the plane of neither-perception-nor-non-perception.

He fixes his mind on this,
he resolves his mind on this,
he develops his mind for this.

These aspirations and abidings of his,
developed thus,
made much of thus,
[143] conduce to uprising there.

This, monks, is the way,
this the course that conduces to uprising there.

And again, monks,
a monk is endowed with faith,
he is endowed with moral habit,
he is endowed with learning,
he is endowed with relinquishment,
he is endowed with wisdom.

It occurs to him:

‘O that by the destruction of the cankers,
having realized here and now
by my own super-knowledge
the freedom of mind
and the freedom through intuitive wisdom
that are cankerless,
entering thereon,
I might abide therein.’

He, by the destruction of the cankers,
having here and now realized
through his own super-knowledge
the freedom of mind
and freedom through intuitive wisdom
that are cankerless,
entering thereon,
abides therein.

This monk, uprises not anywhere, monks,
he uprises nowhere.”[11]

Thus spoke the Lord.

Delighted, these monks rejoiced in what the Lord had said.

Discourse on Uprising by means of Aspiration

Division of the Uninterrupted


[1] Saṅkhāra is not here carrying any of its more usual senses, but has the meaning of purposeful intellection; see P.E.D. s.v. saṅkhāra. This is recognised at MA. iv. 146 which explains by patthanā, aiming at, wishing, aspiration. This is one thing while “the five things beginning with faith” are another. Both are necessary to assure the bourn, gati.

[2] Cf. A. iv, 239 for this sequence and for the following passage; but it enumerates fewer classes of devas than does this Discourse.

[3] Reading vihārā with MA. iv. 146 and one textual v.l. as against text’s vihāro.

[4] On pharitva adhimuccitvā see Intr., p. xx.

[5] Cf. A. i. 228; D. i. 46; DA. i. 301.

[6] āmaṇḍa (not in P.E.D.) explained by āmalaka, the usual word for emblic myrobalan, at MA. iv. 147. Childers and Monier-Williams give the castor-oil plant however for āmaṇḍa. In either case it seems likely that the seeds are being referred to rather than the plants themselves. Pali knows eraṇḍa (Skrt. also eraṇḍa) for castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis. Among the Indian vernacular names for this are amanakkam and amadam, George Watt, Commercial Products of India, London, 1908, p. 915.

[7] I.e. the monk.

[8] As at M. ii. 17; D. i. 76, ii. 13; S. i. 65, etc.

[9] nekkha; with v.l. nikkha, Cf. S. i. 65; A. i. 181, ii. 8, 29; Dhp. 230; DhA. 239 and see G.S. ii. 8, n. 2. At MA. iv. 147 a nikkha is spoken of as worth five suvaṇṇas, and at VvA. 104 as fifteen suvaṇṇas. The value may have changed according to the locality.

[10] jambonada. According to MA. iv. 147 and SA. i. 125 this is produced by the leaves of great jambu-trees; they fall into the rivers on whose banks the trees grow and gradually reach the sea.

[11] na katthaci uppajjati na kuhiñci uppajjati. Cf. M. iii. 45 where it is also said of an arahant na kiñci na kuhiñci na kenaci maññati.

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